What is Asset Management with Examples?

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Successful asset management seeks to maximize long-term investment returns within a predetermined risk profile. Financial institutions provide asset management as a service to the wealthy, governments, businesses, and other institutional investors like universities and pension funds. Let us understand what is asset management with examples in this topic. Financing infrastructure needs, as well as financing

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What are Equity Funds with Examples?

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Investing is a long-term process that requires meticulous planning and preparation to reduce the risk of financial loss. This necessitates a foundational understanding of the various scheme options available to you. The topic of Equity Mutual Funds will be discussed here. We will discuss what are equity funds with examples in this topic. Mutual funds

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What is Bond Market with Examples?

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Bonds are financial instruments that can be bought, sold, and issued on the bond market. There are two types of markets for this: primary and secondary. Bonds are the most common vehicle for doing this, but notes, bills, and other instruments for financing public and private expenditures are also acceptable. Let’s discuss what is bond

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