Top 10 – Types of E-business

Types of E-business-What are E-Business Types-What are the Main Types of a E-Business

When most people hear the word “e-business,” the first thing that comes to mind is a business deal between a seller and a customer that takes place online. Even so, this is a good idea, but we could be more specific and divide e-business into six main groups, each of which has its own set of traits. This article discusses in detail about types of e-business.

“Electronic business,” or “e-business” for short, means doing business over the internet, like buying and selling goods and services. You can do business in a number of online marketplaces with your computer, tablet, phone, or any other smart device. E-commerce is a way to buy and sell goods and services like books, songs, plane tickets, and financial services like stock investing and online banking. Because of this, people view it as a significant technological advancement.

Top 10 – Types of E-business

E-business is any kind of business transaction that takes place over the internet. E-commerce makes it easier to transfer money, buy and sell things, and share information about these things by using the internet and other social media. Since both e-commerce and e-business use the internet, it is important to know what they have in common.

“E-business” is the term for the whole industry that “e-commerce” is a part of. But an e-commerce company’s main focus is on buying and selling goods and services, while an e-primary business’s main focus is on all parts of running a business over the internet. In this article, we will discuss about types of e-business in brief with examples for your better understanding.

Business to Administration (B2A)

This type of e-business includes all online transactions between private companies and the government. This broad category includes services that have to do with money and banking, social security, employment, legal documents and registries, and other similar things. Due to investments in e-government, this type of service has grown a lot in the past few years.

Consumer to Business (C2B)

The business-to-business (C2B) paradigm is the opposite of the business-to-consumer (B2C) paradigm. In contrast to the B2C model, which provides services to customers on behalf of businesses, the C2B model lets end customers sell their goods and services directly to other businesses. Crowdsourcing projects benefit from this business method.

Business to Consumer (B2C)

In business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce, companies sell their goods straight to customers without going through middlemen. When you sell directly to customers, or B2C, you skip the middlemen and deal directly with the end consumer.

Your local sporting goods store’s website is an example of a business method that businesses can use to sell goods or services, such as a lawncare mobile app for reserving landscaping services. The most common e-business model is B2C. One of the most popular types of e-business is business-to-consumer (B2C).

Government to Citizen (G2C)

More and more governments around the world are using websites like G2C to get their citizens involved. You can auction off everything from cars to machinery and more on these online marketplaces. On this kind of website, you can also apply for things like a birth, marriage, or death certificate. G2C portals aid in requesting government help.

Consumer to Administration (C2A)

The Consumer-to-Administration paradigm includes all electronic communications between regular people and their government. Here are some ways to use it: You can use it to spread knowledge and learn through online courses, among other methods.

Social Security spreads information, processes payments, and performs other similar tasks. Everything that has to do with taxes, like filling out tax forms, paying taxes, etc. Questions about health, like setting up appointments, getting medical records, and paying for care. B2A and C2A use ICTs to improve government services.

Government to Business (G2B

When dealing with private companies, governments usually use websites made with the B2G paradigm in mind. Through this type of website, users can submit applications, bid in auctions and tenders, and do other things.

Business to Government (B2G )

B2G e-commerce sells goods to government entities. For this strategy to work, big government contracts must be won through competition. When a government agency needs bids for a project, it sends out a request for proposal (RFP). Companies that engage in electronic commerce usually need to submit bids.

Even though B2G is a more secure model, it is not the same as doing business with other companies or with customers. The inherent bureaucracy of government agencies makes them notoriously slow, which can make it hard for them to get money. Business-to-government (B2G) is another types of e-business that involves selling goods and services to government entities.

Consumer to Government (C2G)

C2G partnerships are different from regular business connections on the internet because they let people talk to administrations, agencies, or governments. Most of the time, these kinds of partnerships are based on the transfer of obligations instead of the exchange of services.

When you use the IRS’s official digital portal to send in your tax return, you are making a business deal that involves the exchange of information (IRS). Both the county assessor and colleges and universities can receive online payments.

Business to Business (B2B)

Like traditional business-to-consumer transactions, e-commerce enables direct product sales to end consumers. On the other hand, the user could be a different company instead of a normal customer. D

eals between businesses are more complicated and take longer because they involve more people, more information, and more accuracy. If the purchase is intended for use in more than one manufacturing process, the ordering company may need to establish recurring items.

Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

With this way of doing business, people can trade in or resell their unused goods and/or services to other people over the internet. People buy from and sell to each other directly. In this case, a third-party platform conducts the transactions.

There are websites like OLX and Quickr in this group, among others. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) is a types of e-business where consumers sell goods and services to other consumers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is E-business Quality?

In their research, Zeithaml and his colleagues found one thing that affected the quality of an e-business: how well the e-website store made it easy and quick for buyers to make purchases.

What should be Included in E-Business FAQ?

In the Frequently Asked Questions section of your online store, you should answer questions about your brand and products as well as questions about making purchases, getting refunds, and cancelling orders. Everyone who buys something from your online company store should see the same frequently asked questions, so make sure to include them here.

What is E-business Infrastructure?

The hardware, software, content, and data that support the delivery of e-business services to customers, clients, and partners both inside and outside the company. IE-business app steps can be included in the infrastructure.


Read more deeply to learn more about the topic of importance of e-business. “E-commerce” can mean more than just buying and selling things online. Electronic commerce, or “e-commerce,” is the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. E-commerce is what makes up the core of E-Business. This topic outlines types of e-business which will assist you to achieve desired goals in your life.

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