What is Perpetual Bond with Examples?

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When purchasing a bond, there is usually a specified maturity date. Upon reaching that date, you will receive your principal in full, with no additional interest payment. However, bonds that are permanent do not mature. What is a perpetual bond? How do they work? What are some examples? All of these questions and more will be answered in this section.

In contrast to traditional bonds, perpetual bonds do not have a specified maturity date and are therefore perpetual in nature. Even though investors never recoup their initial investment, interest payments could continue indefinitely.

What is Perpetual Bond?

Perpetual bonds, often known as “consol bonds” or “preps,” are a type of investment bond that does not mature. A common misconception is that this bond is debt, whereas in fact it is equity. The fact that you can’t redeem these bonds is a major drawback. The best part, though, is that they continue to accrue interest payments indefinitely.


Perpetual bonds have a narrow niche in the bond market. This is primarily due to the fact that there aren’t many areas where investors are willing to buy bonds with an unrecoverable principal.

The British Treasury issued some of the most well-known perpetual bonds during World War I and the South Sea Bubble in 1720. Amongst American citizens, there is a belief that the government should start selling bonds with no maturity date. This has the potential to save the government money by preventing it from having to refinance maturing bonds.

Examples of Perpetual Bond

It stands to reason that both perpetual bond payments and stock dividend payments would hold similar value, as they both offer an infinite return over time.

Hence, the price of an infinite-maturity bond stems from discounting the perpetual bond’s coupon amount at a consistent discount rate (influenced by inflation). Over time, the initially fixed coupon amounts depreciate due to the denominator of the discount rate. This implies that perpetual bond prices can remain constant despite their ongoing accumulation of interest.

Evaluating Perpetual Bond Market Value

Value at this point in time = D / discount rate r. The bond’s coupon payment amount D is multiplied by discount rate r at regular intervals. If we assume a discount rate of 4% and know that the annual payment on a perpetual bond will always equal $10,000, we can calculate its present value as follows:

Value at this time: $10,000 divided by 0.04%, or $250,000 A bond with an indeterminate maturity and a fixed coupon rate is very sensitive to the discount rate because of the certainty of the payment. Present value (at a discount rate of 3%) = $10,000 / 0.03 = $333,333 Present value (at a discount rate of 5%) = $10,000 / 0.05 = $200,000

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How Does Perpetual Bond Works?

The concept of perpetual bonds is easy to understand. Governments or financial institutions often issue bonds with fixed interest rates to raise capital. Bond buyers receive a consistent interest payment from the issuer until redemption occurs. The lender also is exempt from repayment of the loan’s principal.

Even though perpetual bonds have a high safety rating, investors are nonetheless willing to take a chance on them due to the credit risk. Bond coupon holders risk losing money if market interest rates increase above their yield. Some issuers, sensitive to fluctuations in interest rates, may offer higher coupon rates for a specified period of time to protect investors from this danger.

Perpetual bonds are distinct from stocks in a number of important respects. Nonetheless, they still resemble equity more than debt. Therefore, they could be considered a component of equity. The bond issuer has the opportunity to repurchase the bonds after a specified period. Since the issuer can always choose to buy back the bonds, this makes raising capital quite simple. Aside from that, the issuer is under no obligation to return the investor’s capital.

Who should Invest in Perpetual Bonds?

In retirement, it can be helpful to have a reliable source of income, such as a perpetual bond, that will pay out a certain amount every year. These bonds provide a greater yield than average and are typically issued by banks or governmental bodies. Good profits are not enough, however, and investors should also consider their tax liability. Put another way, after deducting all applicable taxes, you’re left with only the interest earned.

Investing in perpetual bonds saves you the trouble of finding a replacement bond when the term of your current bond matures. However, investors face the dangers of credit and interest rate fluctuations. The value of an investment will decrease if the interest rate rises above the perpetual coupon rate. An issuer may provide a “step-up” option, where the coupon rate is increased on a predetermined timetable, to mitigate the risk of the investment.

Ultimately, a person’s risk tolerance and long-term financial goals will determine whether or not they should purchase a perpetual bond. They will have all the data at their disposal to make a wise investment decision.


Unique among bonds, a perpetual bond has no set maturity date and instead continues to accrue interest payments indefinitely. It is crucial to gain an understanding of what a perpetual bond is, how it functions, the formula behind it, and some instances from this discussion. Gain a better understanding of the issues involved in dividend stocks topic by reading this thought-provoking article.

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